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Based on 382 reviews

I also bought one for a gift!

Yay!! Thanks for your support!

I Love My Flosser!

My dental hygienist was really impressed with my gum health after 6 months of using the flosser. I’m thrilled with it and have been recommending it to my friends!

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with our Slate Rechargeable Electric Flosser. We are thrilled to hear that it has made a positive impact on your gum health and that your dental hygienist has noticed. We appreciate your recommendations to your friends and hope they also have a great experience with our product. Keep on flossing!

Didn't know I'd love it this much.

I had the original flosser and loved it, decided to upgrade to the new one, it is so nice. It is lighter, I thought I'd maybe use a different vibration setting but my favorite is still the 12,000. Love how the charger is magnetic and small.

Thank you for leaving us a review! We're so glad to hear that you love our new Rechargeable Electric Flosser. We strive to continuously improve our products and we're happy to hear that you enjoy the updates. Happy flossing!

Best purchase I've ever made besides my Sonicare

This flosser is the best thing I've ever added to my nightly routine (in addition to my electric toothbrush). It makes flossing so easy that I now often floss twice a day; I used to "occasionally" floss before but I haven't skipped a day of flossing since getting it. I'm so, so happy with how clean it makes my teeth feel. My hygienist even commented on how good my gums looked at my last dentist appointment - using this single tool stopped all bleeding and sensitivity around my crowns by reaching areas my toothbrush simply couldn't. But more than anything, I love the tongue scraper on this thing! I purchased it for my kids (ages 11 and 9) and they now floss every night too without complaint. 10/10 would recommend.

Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a positive review on the Slate Rechargeable Electric Flosser. We're thrilled to hear that it has become an essential part of your nightly routine and has even improved your oral health. We're especially happy to hear that your kids have also started flossing regularly with the help of this product. Your hygienist's comment on your healthy gums is a testament to the effectiveness of our flosser. Thank you for recommending it to others. Keep smiling and flossing! :)

Great product!

Thanks for your feedback!

My dental hygienist is going to be so proud of me! I can’t wait for my next cleaning appointment. I want to hear that praise! This honestly makes flossing much easier and quicker, which for me translates into less of a chore that I used to skip.

Yay! We also can't wait to hear how your next appointment goes! Easy flossing that is effective is why we created the Electric Flosser!

No dislikes , love it!!

Amazing! Thank you for sharing!

Couple Starter Pack (2)

My teeth are so clean just like I was just at the dentist.
My order was delivered with in days. This is a great product!

Wow! We are so happy to hear that! Thanks for sharing.

The best flosser, I use the water flosser after I brush my teeth, but always felt that I needed more. Started using this flosser with my teeth cleaning routine and my mouth never felt so clean and fresh. Love it and will be buying more as gifts soon

We are so glad they feel better! We love a good feeling mouth!

Great product! Did not expect it to be so easy to use and clean. Simply the best

We are happy to hear it is easy! Thanks for sharing!

Very convenient to use. It encourages me to floss more as a result. Might need a smaller head for a child.

Return and Package Protection Valid in US

I hate to floss. I use a water flosser every night before bed. After I brush my teeth in the morning, I use the Slate flosser and not only is it quick and easy, my mouth feels 1000% cleaner. Great product!

Yay! This is exactly what we like to hear! Easy flossing helps keep our mouths healthy!

Great product !

Like many people, I've always dreaded flossing. Despite fully understanding its health benefits and the risks of neglecting it, I've always struggled to floss more than once a week. However, since I ordered the Slate Flosser last year, I now brush and floss daily. The impact on my gum health has been significant— a game changer. I no longer require quarterly hygienist visits, which previously included deep cleaning sessions that were unpleasant. This product has made a significant difference for me, and I highly recommend it!

We are thrilled to hear that it has made a significant difference in your oral hygiene routine and has improved your gum health. Keep up the great work with daily flossing and brushing!

Great design. Wonderful on my sensitive teeth and gums

So wonderful to hear! Thanks for sharing!

Return and Package Protection Valid in US

I was skeptical, really. But I LOVE THIS FLOSSER. Truly an excellent product. The flossers last about 4 days for me, half the time listed, but I don’t care. It’s that good.

We are so happy to hear you love it! Feel free to reach out to our support team for tips on how to help them last longer.

I love it. I hate to floss because I gag. But this didn’t bother me at all.

Amazing! We love to hear this!

Best purchase I’ve ever made .

We are so happy to hear that!!

Teeth feel as clean as when I have a routine dental cleaning. Great product

Amazing! That's exactly what we hope to hear.

Excellent product. The handle is just the right length. Flossing now takes less time than brushing. I was never a string floss guy. Too much work. I have a water flosser which I still use because of a wire retainer glued to some teeth, but the Slate Flosser I use everywhere else, using this daily.

We are so glad to hear that! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Patient Pack
Tracy Allen
First dental visit since using the tool

I felt like the flosser was doing a better job than I could do manually, but I just had my first cleaning since using the flosser for only two weeks, and my hygienist noticed the difference right away and asked me what I was doing differently. I was scheduled to have SRP in 3 quadrants and only needed it in one.

Wow! This is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing the feedback. This is exactly why the Slate Flosser was created!

I’m loving this and have less and less bleeding when I floss because I’m actually doing it twice a day

Thank you for sharing! So happy your gums are happy!

Couple Starter Pack (2)
I’m flossing!

Two things recently happened in my life, 1: I heard the interview about this flosser on NPR and I am one of the 50%+ of Americans who rarely floss. 2: a few days after listening to the interview, I had a scammy negative dental appointment where they wanted me to pay $750 after insurance for a deep cleaning. The hygienist went on and on about how bad my teeth were and they bled a lot during cleaning, I thought she was rough and rude and trying to “sell.” Anyway, I declined the expensive cleaning and decided I needed to floss regularly so I went to checkout this product. I don’t want Alzheimer’s. My partner has flossed like 2x in his life. I don’t want him to get Alzheimer’s. I ordered this partner pack for us and we have since flossed every single day because the handle makes it easy to use and it’s much quicker than regular floss. It’s expensive, but I’m flossing. I might buy as gifts for friends in the future. I wasn’t sure what this kit came with, the description isn’t specific… I thought it might only come with the handheld divorce but it came with several replacement heads too. Two tips for improvement: the box it comes with is just cardboard and it should come with a travel case and a protective cover for the head between uses. Also… I wonder if this device needs to be as long as it is? I do a lot of solo traveling with one tiny bag and I’d like to bring this but it would take up a lot of space. I’d buy a travel size.

Thank you so much for taking the time to share such wonderful feedback! We are so happy you are flossing! We can't wait to hear what your hygienist has to say next time. We have sent your feedback about our description and product suggestions to our team, we are always happy to improve!

This is the greatest tool ever! You feel the change immediately!!! If you're on the fence, buy it today!

We are so glad to hear that, thank you for sharing!

Quick delivery a little overpriced, but I like the product

Thank you for the feedback!

Love it

Love this flosser. I’m actually flossing daily now because it’s just easy and feels like it works better.

We are so happy to hear that! Daily flossing is the goal!